Kreatives Licht- management leicht gemacht: Die Jinbei Studio App

Creative light management made easy: The Jinbei Studio App

With the Jinbei app you can control your Jinbei LED continuous lights and flashes easily and conveniently.
Lichtgestaltung mit Jinbei EFT-860 RGB-Stableuchten: Vielseitige Beleuchtungs- lösung für Foto- und Videografen

Lighting design with Jinbei EFT-860 RGB rod lights: Versatile lighting solution for photographers and videographers

In the world of photography and videography, proper lighting is crucial to the quality and impact of an image or video.
Experimentelle Fotografie-Techniken zum Ausprobieren

Experimental photography techniques to try out

In this blog post, we explore unique techniques that go beyond the usual and will change the way you look at photography. Get ready to explore the diverse possibilities of experimental photography!
Die richtige Beleuchtung für beeindruckende Produktvideos

The right lighting for impressive product videos

Presenting products in videos is becoming increasingly important, be it for online shops, social media or tutorials. But regardless of the content, well-lit product videos are crucial to capturing viewers' attention and highlighting the features and details of your products. In this blog post, you'll learn how to effectively light your products to achieve impressive results.
Praktische Ratschläge zur Beleuchtung von Interviews und Diskussionen

Practical advice for lighting interviews and discussions

In the world of photography, interviews and conversations are a fascinating genre. They offer the opportunity to tell stories and portray people in a very special way. But to achieve professional results, the right lighting is crucial. In this post, we'll share practical advice on lighting interviews and discussions that will help you get impressive shots.
Licht ist ein spannender Aspekt in der Fotografie

Light is an exciting aspect of photography

The use of light in photography is a fascinating subject with endless possibilities. Because light can not only be used to optimally illuminate a picture, but also to create a certain mood or atmosphere. Targeted lighting can enhance the image emotionally and reinforce the message of the photo.
Texturen in der Fotografie: So geht’s!

Textures in photography:how it works!

More pep and color for the next set-up? That fits perfectly, because everything here revolves around the theme of"Elements". Photo or video recordings can be easily changed by using different tools. It doesn't matter whether it's color-intensive or imaginative photos, the two photographers Sebastian Weingart and Tommy Halfter have managed to create different effects with the help of different textures!
Farbenfrohe Kreativität mit Tobias Paul

Colorful creativity with Tobias Paul

Tobias Paul is a photographer and has been using Jinbei lights for some time. Now he had the chance to test two different RGB LED permanent lights from Jinbei and has implemented a great, colorful and extremely creative shoot. In this post, he explains his approach and gives helpful tips on building a set.
Die optimale Beleuchtung für Konferenzen per Video

The optimal lighting for conferences via video

Video conferencing has been an important part of many people's everyday work for a few years. A good and successful appearance sometimes decides on a new order or supports you in presenting your own points clearly, clearly, understandably and with the necessary emphasis.