Foldable background in black and white
As a photographer with your own studio equipment, you come to a point where you are no longer at you black or white background come over. And for this very reason, we at Jinbei now have backgrounds for you that are one Size of 1.5 x 2 meters have and foldable are.
So that you can always choose which background you need for your respective motif, the background has a black and a white side. Just set it up and take a photo. So easy.
Foldable is the background to a size of 70 centimeters so that you can easily transport it. In case you are more likely Videographer instead of being a photographer, then we also have Blue screen / green screen background :
Foldable Background - Blue & green screen
At Jinbei, we're now bringing Hollywood to your home. With our new ones foldable blue screen / green screen with the dimensions 1.5 x 2 meters .
Green and blue screens are primarily used to better cut people out of the background during digital post-processing of videos and to be able to display them in front of a new background. This is used, for example, in Hollywood films, when an actor in the final film is supposed to ride a kite, for example, while originally sitting on a wooden frame..
In order to understand how these backgrounds work from a purely technical point of view, one must bear in mind that human skin does not have a green or blue component, but rather the skin color is located in the opposite direction on the opposite side of the color scale. For this reason, human skin can (theoretically) be cut out very well from a green or blue background.
Whether you choose one or the other color depends on the lighting in the studio, but also very much on the background that you want to add afterwards. The question here is whether the later background is more likely to be located in the light or in the dark color spectrum.
Of the Green screen is indeed very easy to light up because the neon color itself is already very bright. But for this reason it also always throws some color back on the person or the object that is placed in front of it. This may mean that the post-processing is done for a later date dark background difficult can be because the corners (such as hair) are difficult to work with. So you would rather use the green screen for backgrounds that should also be light later so that the color difference is not so great.
Of the Blue screen on the other hand is something overall harder to light Since it's a darker color, it needs more light than the green screen. But he can well used when you get one later dark background wants.
At this point you have to think about what your future film should look like so that you can make post-processing as easy as possible. And because of this, are Green and blue screen both integrated here . You have the choice.
Care instructions: If you want to smooth the background even more, please use a steam iron carefully, or alternatively spray a little water on the fabric and then blow-dry it.