Hilfreiche Tipps für Reisefotografen

Helpful tips for travel photographers

Before you go on a trip, you have to plan. Before setting off on a trip, photographers in particular often rack their brains about what to pack, what to look out for when it comes to transport or how to charge their batteries far away from civilisation.
Spektakuläre Bilder mit ND-Filtern

Spectacular images with ND filters

Filters – do we still need them in digital photography, where almost everything can be adjusted with the help of digital post-processing? Many photographers who want to keep their equipment as small as possible or who have not yet dealt with filter photography in detail ask themselves this question.
Die wichtigsten Dateiformate in der Fotografie

The most important file formats in photography

JPEG, TIFF, bit depth, raw data format - even with experienced photographers who have been dealing with digital photography for years, the large number of data formats used often causes confusion. If you want to find out which file format is best for your own photography on the Internet, you will find so much information and opinions that even after a long search you can hardly get any further.
Streetfotografie – so geht’s!

Street photography - how it works!

Street photography is as old as photography itself, because photographers have always been driven by the idea of capturing that one, perfect moment on the street. As old as street photography is, it is also as diverse. Carried by intense contrasts, fleeting moments, extreme wide-angle lenses or bright colors, there are countless ways to put your personal stamp on street photography.
Hilfreiche Tipps für starke Fotos von Landschaften

Helpful tips for strong photos of landscapes

In addition to portrait photography, landscape photography is one of the supreme disciplines. Given the supposedly steep learning curve and extensive equipment often involved in landscape photography, it can actually be a bit intimidating to get started with this form of photography. Everything is much easier than you think.
Spektakuläre Bilder von Wassertropfen

Spectacular images of water drops

For many photographers, photographing water drops has always represented the entry into high-speed photography, i.e. photographing with particularly short exposure times. The reason for this is that it is actually possible in your own kitchen to capture spectacular images with the simplest of means.
Der Weißabgleich in der Fotografie

White balance in photography

Who doesn't know them, the images that, when examined more closely on the screen or on a print, suddenly look completely different from the scene you remembered. The colors look too cool or the sky is so yellow that the shot hardly seems real anymore. In such a case, the culprit is usually found quite quickly:the white balance.
Die 3-Punkt-Beleuchtung

The 3-point lighting

Great shots need good lighting, but shadows and darkness are also very important. One type of lighting here is"3-point lighting". The photographers Sebastian Weingart, Tommy Halfter and their young team organized a photo shoot on this topic using Jinbei permanent lights. In this article, the young team of photographers explains how and why they like to use 3-point lighting.
So gelingen actionreiche Aufnahmen

This is how action-packed shots succeed

Who does not know them, the impressive snapshots of sporting events, birds of prey swooping or geysers at the moment of eruption? After marveling at the effect of the image, the question often follows as to how the photographer managed to capture such a fleeting moment, which sometimes lasted only a few thousandths of a second, in pin-sharp detail.