Einführung in das Fotografieren mit Filter

Introduction to filter photography

Filter photography, i.e. taking photos with filters placed in front of them, is associated by many exclusively with analogue photography. After all, why do we need physical filters today when our own recordings can simply be adapted to our own ideas in digital post-processing? In fact, it's not as easy as some might think, and filters have a right to exist today, perhaps more than ever.
Motive fürs Fotografieren mit Fernauslöser

Motives for photographing with a remote release

Most photographers have probably played around with a remote camera release without realizing all the creative possibilities of this special tool. It is the remote release that makes a picture possible in some situations. This article is about showing some of the photographic possibilities with the remote release so that one or the other can use them as inspiration for their own photography.
Fotografieren mit großer Lichtstärke

Photographing with high light intensity

More than the camera itself, the lens contributes to a certain look in a photo. How sharp is something depicted, what exposure time is necessary and, of course, which section is reproduced on the camera sensor based on the selected focal length? Photographers have to answer these questions themselves before a shoot or a trip.
So pflegen Sie Ihr Foto-Equipment richtig

How to properly care for your photo equipment

Photographers often like to refer to their cameras and all other equipment as their tools. That's true, of course, especially with professional photographers, this term is usually used when the camera has one or the other scratch or when the viewer notices a dent on the lens.
Das erste eigene Fotostudio

The first own photo studio

Having your own photo studio is firmly linked to the image of the professional photographer. In fact, many whose hobby is photography wish to have their first studio. However, this is also associated with concerns about high costs and the question of what is actually needed for the personal studio.