Lighting is a particularly important aspect for both semi-professionals and professionals in photography, regardless of whether the shoot is in the studio or outdoors. That is why the lighting professional Jinbei is now targeting customers with the HD-610 Pro who expect a large portion of versatility from their new flash..
Hamburg / Norderstedt, June 19, 2020 – Jinbei presented with the newHD-610 Pro a mobile studio flash which has a few useful innovations compared to its predecessor. He has about one better recycling time and needs only 0.9 seconds for the next flash at full power (600 Ws). Nevertheless, the flash has a long battery life, even up to at maximum power 500 releases allows. This means that you can work an entire shoot at the same location without any problems, without the need for a power outlet. If you prefer to take photos in the studio, you can of course also operate the flash via a power supply unit (optionally available). So the HD-610 Pro, which also has a strong 25 watt modeling light does not get too hot, a cooling system is also built into the flash head.
Are possible with the flash next to the Control via TTL and manual mode (1/1 to 1/256) also the HSS (up to 1/32) and Freeze functions for extremely short burn-off times (up to 1 / 20,000 s). All settings can be made very conveniently on the device itself, as it has a illuminated LC display with intuitive menu control and rotary knob. However, it is also possible to use the Jinbei's ownRadio transmitter TR-Q7 compatible here is also the Transmitter TR-Q6.
Because this form of connection is particularly widespread, Jinbei has again chosen the Bowens S-Type bayonet decided. So who alreadyJinbei soft boxes with a Bowens connector can continue to use it.
The RRP for theJinbei HD-610 Proamounts to: 799, -€
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