Klimaneutrale Zustellung Ihres Einkaufes

Climate-neutral delivery of your purchase

On Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekends, all orders placed through our online shop will be delivered in a climate- neutral manner. Now you can buy all the deals you want while reducing the negative impact on the planet.
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On Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekends, all orders placed in our online shop will be delivered climate -neutrally . Now you can buy all the deals you want while reducing the negative impact on the planet.

We know that this holiday season it is more important than ever to have simple and safe alternatives to shopping in stores. We also know that emissions from shipping are contributing to climate change - but we can do something.

For this reason, we offset shipping emissions for every order placed in our shop between November 27th and 30th . Regardless of whether you are on the other end of town or on the other side of the globe, we will cover the full cost of CO₂ compensation without incurring any costs.

We appreciate your support and loyalty and wish you a Merry Christmas.

Good luck with your shopping!